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Black Friday? No thank you!

Cycle of Good, a charity fund raising project based in Stoke on Trent, have taken a novel approach to Black Friday at the end of this week. Instead of following the trend to encourage shoppers by slashing prices, the project is putting their price tags up by 50%.

Kelly Shenton, Business Manager, explained the unusual promotion, “All of our products are fairly traded and made from recycled materials, they reflect our values. We are working towards making the world a more equal and sustainable place and the Black Friday rush to buy more and more cheap stuff that we probably don’t really need, just doesn’t sit well with us”.

Cycle of Good, who already donate 100% of trading surpluses to their parent charity, Krizevac Project, have committed to donating every single penny raised through the Black Friday sales to the care and education of vulnerable children in Malawi where they already have established projects benefitting more than 3000 young people per year.

“We’re not really expecting to sell any of our products on Black Friday”, Kelly told us, “but if we make one person just stop and think about their consumer choices, their impact on the planet or the people who are often exploited in the supply chain, then we’ll be counting it as a success…. and of course, all of our beautiful recycled gifts will be available at their normal price again the next day!”

Cycle Of Good gifts and Presents are made 100% from Recycled Materials

All surpluses directly fund the work of the children’s centre in Malawi . It’s why we call it the Cycle of Good!