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Emergency flood appeal for storm freddy

You may have seen the devastating news that Tropical Storm Freddy has hit Malawi, specifically Blantyre area, close to where our schools are based. It has claimed the lives of more than 200 people, injuring scores and leaving a trail of destruction as it ripped through southern Malawi.

Homes have been destroyed, families are trapped, and heavy rain continues to fall, causing severe flooding. The situation has been worsened by prolonged power cuts and the hydro-power plant being affect by debris.

The central hospital in Blantyre has been overwhelmed with people needing help.

Malawi has declared a state of Disaster, this is the worst that Malawi has ever seen.


As the work we do in Malawi is focused on supporting, educating, and empowering people to prosper through our various projects, this tragedy is even more heart-breaking for us. That’s why, we, at Cycle of Good and the Krizevac Project, are asking for your help.

It will make such a difference to our Malawian friends if you make a financial donation to the Project. This is an emergency fund to help those who have lost their homes, and their businesses, for example, crops have been destroyed, women working in textiles have lost their income, and those in need.

Malawi’s infrastructure has also been decimated, making travel to sell hand-made wares impossible.

The greatest impact on the people of Malawi is the loss of their loved ones. Not only have people lost members of their family, including their children, but many are faced with the abhorrent task of carrying their deceased relatives, due to roads being cut off and vehicles being wrecked.